This page is to show that a component tester can reveal capacitor problems not to be found using simple measurement tools
To be able to test electrolytic capacitors, one ALSO needs a component tester, for example a Huntron, or Vudata 3110.
An Oscilloscope, function generator and some hardware can be used also (some make this "octopus tester"), and some Oscilloscopes may have built-in component testers as well(ex: Hameg, Tektronix)
1. a KNOWN BAD tantalum 10µF 25 V drop shape capacitor, NOS (new old stock)
2. a proven for esr extremely good 10µF 35V drop shape tantalum capacitor, salvaged from 25 years old professional equipment.
3. a brand new Panasonic FC 10µF 50 volts aluminium capacitor
first: results using Extech LCR200: BAD (esr 1.2 ohms, (very) GOOD (0.3 ohms), PANASONIC (2.7 ohms) using a 100Hz signal
Now, using the El-cheapo Chinese meter. BAD (esr 2.6 ohms, (very) GOOD (0.4 ohms), PANASONIC (1.9 ohms) NOTE frequency unknown
Now, using component tester. BAD, GOOD, PANASONIC
One EXPECTS an elliptical shape, however, it is possible have the bad tantalum behave differently! The behaviour on the first next picture shows an odd impedance behaviour.
Now, using component tester using different settings. BAD, GOOD, PANASONIC